Showing you how to be heard and appreciated in your marriage

Do This to Transform Your Wife’s Anger

Do This to Transform Your Wife’s Anger

"If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase." Epictetus There’s a philosophy in several forms of martial arts that the path to success is to turn your foe’s energy against them. A similar idea will...

Is Your Wife Always Mad at You?

Is Your Wife Always Mad at You?

"Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable. David Augsberger Does it seem like no matter what you do, your wife always seems to be mad at you? If so, you’re probably hurt, confused, or frustrated. Or all...

Stop Accepting the Unacceptable from Your Wife

Stop Accepting the Unacceptable from Your Wife

"Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable." Dennis Waitley Are there things happening in your marriage that aren’t okay with you? If you said “yes”, I have a question. Why are you allowing it? I’ve been thinking about...

The Love Languages: Helpful or Hype?

The Love Languages: Helpful or Hype?

"Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition." Alexander Smith Have you heard about the 5 Love Languages? They were introduced to the world in 1992 by Baptist pastor Gary Chapman. He developed his theory as he worked to support...

Love (and Life) Lessons from Jonesie the Cat

Love (and Life) Lessons from Jonesie the Cat

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” Thomas Campbell Last week at this time I was processing the imminent death of my beloved, 100 degree, almost as soft as a chinchilla, 14 ½ year old bundle of fur.  Yes, I am a cat person. Yes, she was named after the...

Intimacy Starts with Conversation

Intimacy Starts with Conversation

"When I attained a certain advanced intimacy with a man, and I don't just mean sex, I married him." Hedy Lamarr ​ I remember falling in love with my husband. We met at my older sister’s graduation from law school in Colorado. He was her husband’s best friend. We...

End the Arguing

Stop the Chore Wars

Stop the Chore Wars.  Click here to find out how  

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Foundations Coaching
539 Keisler Drive Suite 104
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 924-0463