There is so much wrong with this marriage advice, I don’t even know where to start. Frankly, the only reason you should have a baby is because you want one. A baby is a person, not duct tape.
A baby is also completely helpless. Dependent on the adults to make sure it is safe, secure and cared for.
Having a child is not something to be taken lightly. It is at minimum an eighteen-year responsibility. (As the mother of two twenty-something adults, I can tell you the love and caring doesn’t stop at the age of majority.)
So, if you are struggling in your marriage, adding a 24/7 multi-year obligation is not going to make things better. It usually makes them worse.
And now, you and your spouse are tied together as co-parents. For as long as that child exists.
Rating Marriage by Bedroom Activity
“There’s nothing better than good sex. But bad sex? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex.” – Billy Joel Intimacy (not just sex) is often a desired part of marriage. But judging your relationship by what is, or is not, happening in the bedroom is...
Getting Real About Your Marriage
“…maybe sometimes it’s riskier not to take a risk. Sometimes all you’re guaranteeing is that things will stay the same.” Danny Wallace Are you 100% satisfied with your marriage? If so, good for you. But if you’re like many people, there are probably one or two...
What is Your Marriage ROI?
"When you say ROI, do you mean return on investment or risk of inaction?" Paul Gillin Many people think about ROI (Return on Investment) only as it applies to their financial investments. But isn’t your marriage one of the biggest investments you will ever make? I...
I don’t believe that anyone, no matter how well meaning and no matter the reason, should encourage anybody else to have a baby. It is a personal choice that should only be made by the future parents. Because they are the ones who will be responsible for it.
I also don’t think a couple should get married because of a pregnancy either. If you were already planning on marriage and get pregnant, it can still make simultaneously adjusting to marriage and parenthood difficult.
My clients Sam and Amanda had been dating for about a month when she became pregnant. They did the “right” thing and got married, even though they didn’t really know each other. They had just graduated from college and had their first “real” jobs.
The stress of all these things coming together made finding their feet in any one of the areas very challenging. They focused on their jobs and their baby daughter and simply hoped that things would get better.
Sam and Amanda split when their daughter was two. They had never established a strong foundation for their relationship because they never had the time. Too much was going on.
And that is also what is happening when you have a baby to “help” your marriage. If your marriage is troubled, your foundation is not strong enough for the responsibility a child brings. Whatever problems you have will either not get addressed or will get worse.
You, your spouse, and your children deserve that.
If you want a better marriage, schedule your 5 Star Relationship Call with me today.
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Carolyn Sharp helps you understand more about your relationship patterns, and how to make them more productive, so you can have a great marriage.