Most fights aren’t planned. So a tactic that requires you to have privacy to continue is really not very helpful.
A better option is to learn how to communicate in a way that will all but eliminate arguments and fights.
Because disagreement in any relationship is a given. But escalating that disagreement is a choice. And it’s one you don’t have to make.
And be honest, you know the conversations in your marriage that escalate into arguments. You can tell me the pattern you and your partner repeat over and over again. Which means you have the power to change it.
Making the Time to Do Marriage Right
“Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.” Oscar Wilde The John Wooden quote, “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?” popped into my head earlier this week when I was talking to Elliot who just married for the...
Who Does What in Your Marriage?
“The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes.” Amy Grant My husband and I were talking about an unhappy married couple that were characters on a recent episode of the television show 9-1-1. He was wondering how things got so bad that the husband...
Your Choices—Helping or Hurting Your Marriage
“Doing the right thing daily, compounds over time.” John C. Maxwell Every waking moment you are making choices. Big ones. Little ones. Conscious ones. Reactive ones. Habitual ones. And they all impact your marriage. Even when they seem to have little to do with it....
The entire point of fighting naked or fighting fair is to bring your cognitive brain to the situation. If you have to stop to take your clothes off, you are taking a pause from the emotional escalation. You may still be hot, but your focus has shifted to taking an action—getting naked.
This allows you to interrupt your emotions long enough to take control of them. And there are other things you can do to accomplish this same goal that don’t require privacy to do.
Taking a few deep breaths, counting to ten, excusing yourself temporarily in some way from the situation all work. Even just repeating back what you heard your partner say is enough for you to grab your intensifying emotional reaction and defensiveness.
Arguing and fighting is never about your partner. Yes, you disagree with her. Yes, she may be saying things that are hurtful or you believe are untrue. But she cannot make you argue or fight. Only you can do that.
And anything that happens after you choose to fight is on you. You choose the behavior, you own the consequences.
Yes, learning a new way to discuss and resolve differences will be uncomfortable at first. But it is much easier to deal productively with the issue at hand without first having to repair damage done by an earlier fight about it.
So save getting naked for more positive times.
If you’re ready to learn a sure-fire way to resolve differences without fights or arguments, then I can help. Schedule a call with me and learn how simple it can be to bring peace, harmony, and real solutions to your marriage.
source: The Hero Husband Project
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