Do You or Your Wife Make the First Move?
No, I’m not talking about initiating sex. I’m talking about after you’ve had a disagreement or a fight. Who reaches out to the other first? And is it always the same person? Because the details of how the two of you repair the breech in your marriage matters. All...
Do You Know Your Wife’s #MeToo Story?
Every woman has a #MeToo story, including your wife. It was the moment that she became aware of her vulnerability as a woman. And it has an impact on your marriage. It could have been when she was a child, a teenager, or a young adult but it happened. It may have been...
How to Quit Defending Yourself and Stop Arguing With Your Spouse
Think about the last argument you and your partner had. What were you trying to accomplish? Be honest. More than likely, you were trying to “prove” the rightness of your position, weren’t you? On a scale of 1-10, how successful were you? ...