Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Not only is it in the middle of my favorite season, but there are no gifts to buy, no costumes to wear, and no real decorations to put up. Just a celebration of all the things that make life enjoyable—good company, good food, and, most of all, a focus on gratitude.

For me, it’s the perfect combination. 

It also allows me to cook up a feast—something I really love to do.

And I have so much to be grateful for:

  • My health and the ability to move freely and (relatively) easily
  • My loving husband of almost forty years
  • My grown children and their partners who still like to spend time with me
  • My two sisters and their families
  • My basic needs being met (and then some)
  • Good friends who love and support me
  • My clients who honor me with their trust and vulnerability
  • And you, my community, who let me pop into your inbox with my weekly thoughts on love and marriage

For all of this, I am truly and deeply thankful.

Gratitude is extremely powerful. By focusing on what is going well in your life, you can change your attitude and your outlook. 

Humans are wired to pay attention to what’s not working. This focus on the negative is what keeps you safe and alive. But it also keeps you from thriving. Because what wires together, fires together. And if you only acknowledge the challenges, that becomes all you can see.

Gratitude is the true pathway to happiness. And that is what I wish for you today and every day.

Gratitude won’t necessarily lessen your challenges. But it can provide a broader perspective around them. And finding that silver lining is yet another thing worthy of appreciation. 

So breathe, love, laugh, and find joy in this moment. For that is what I truly hope for each and every one of you.

Should You Be More Honest About the State of Your Marriage?

Should You Be More Honest About the State of Your Marriage?

You’ve probably heard the expression “honesty is the best policy”. You may even claim that honesty is one of your core values. But when it comes to your marriage, do you follow through? If not, why not? Two things have happened this week that have this front and...

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Around the Web This Week

The Impact of Your Divorce

Yes, the two main people impacted by divorce are you and your spouse. But everyone in your sphere is also impacted—your family, your friends, and, most importantly, your children. How you handle the disruption for them is critically important. But they often don’t share their real feelings, and this can make the whole process more stressful for everyone. Accredited and Child Inclusive Family Mediator Louisa Whitney reveals what you can do to make the process better for everyone.

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